for everything- Labels: however a New begining, its the end
season just ended:( so i guess its really over:/oh mans:/
welcome to the world of mugging:( sigh:(
but if old one don't ones will never come..
so i really want to thank the team and 老师 and 教练
for giving me a chance , for encouraging me, for teaching me and for the memory that will always be with me, to remind me how hard we fought, how much effort we put in, and how much we supported each other:)i love you team:)
carnival was super tiring for me:( because we only had 3 ppl:/really love mummy:)she helped me like to do almost everything luh:)so i feel really bad:/ then she couldn't go to work:(oh well we sold everything so thats good..and i didn't really get to walk around or yah..but my ankle hurts like crazy cus i stood for too long and it swelled like super fat:(:(and super painful:(oh well..
things changed..i don't know how to make sure i'm doing it right..i believe that there is chance to achieve it-yet i am scared in way..i'm worried..everything i do..i stop to think about it..can we make it? i know we can-but r we ready for the worst that we're going to face? are we??
Labels: sometimes there is not second chance for us to fall:/
lost to raffles yesterday:/oh well..guess we gave our 100%:)
stayed at home cause not well today:(:(so Boring ..just studying and sleep...
oh well..playing against Unity on friday!JIA YOU TEAM!
our last chance to prove who we really are:)give it our best shot okay?:)
At that very moment:i told myself..i calmed myself..yet i didn't make it:/
not knowing what to do in the future at that very exact situation,exact moment,exact second ..keeps me worrying..-non-stop:(
IT may be your BEST of me, but i feel its not the best of me-
Won CCM yesterday!heh..was okay luh..yet i dun get the feel get:/
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having good grades
going crazy :x
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